Sexual and Urinary Health

Women Improve Sexual Health & Improve Urinary Incontinence with Platelet Rich Plasma

It is a simple method where the clitoris and vulva are injected with Palatelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to trigger rejuvenation, what some people call the O Shot procedure.

The platelets release at least 7 different growth factors that then trigger your own unipotent stem cells to grow younger tissue--activating unipotent stem cells. The doctor injects the PRP into a special area in the vagina which has a collection of structures that activate the orgasm system. 

The woman usually enjoys the effects of the procedure almost immediately as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate and enhance the sexual response. This is a non-surgical procedure that uses the growth factors that each woman has in her own body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation. 

Thus far, most women who have received the treatment enjoy an increase in their sexual response, as well as improve urinary incontinence.
Research shows that only about 14% of women EVER talk to ANY of their physicians about sex. With around 4 in 10 suffering from a sexual disorder, why do only about 1 in 10 ever talk to their physician about sex? 

According to Practice Bulletin in Obstetrics and Gynecology (April 2011), the reason may be that (with the exception of short-term hormone replacement) research shows few proven treatment options. 

Both physician and patient would be discouraged by discussing a problem for which there is no proven solution--so the doctor just doesn't ask. Notice that the only treatment offered is vaginal estrogen or topical testosterone or psychotherapy. And even with the hormone therapies, the results were described as short-term. 

No wonder only 14% of women ever discuss sexual problems with their physician--if the woman is already on hormones (or pre-menopausal), the only known solution, per the official recommendation of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, appears to be psycho-social therapies!

Common Sexual Disorders in Women

  • Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (usually but not always accompanies Sexual Desire Disorder). Women who suffer with this may want to have sex but have much difficulty finding the pleasure of arousal. The 5% incidence doesn't sound like much until you think about it--that's the same as one in 20! 
  • Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low desire). Remember, that this is not counted a disorder unless it's disrupting the woman's life. Around 10% of women suffer with this problem. Important: Suffering with a sexual disorder does not simply make sex not fun. Better sex leads to more energy, more creativity, increased confidence, less depression, and improved overall health.
  • Female Orgasmic Disorder: Again around 1 in 20 (or 5%). Here women can become aroused but have much difficulty with orgasm. This can be so frustrating that sex becomes a frustration that they avoid.
  • Dyspareunia: Here the woman suffers with real pain with sex (not from decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm). The incidence is from around 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 women. (The above shocking statistics came from Obstetrics & Gynecology April 2011)
  • Genital Mismatch can contribute to both Female Orgasmic Disorder & to Dyspareunia

Links to research articles

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